_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Vous trouverez ici le nom de fichier du document envoyé par courriel ainsi que son titre. Pour y accéder, veuillez cliquer sur le lien correspondant dans le corps du courriel ou bien directement sur la plate-forme Web. Pour toutes questions, veuillez écrire à l'adresse wmo@wmo.int _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2015-02-02-PR-6815-RES-ARE-WWR_en.pdf Year Of Polar Prediction (YOPP) 2015-02-04-PR-6818-WDS-DRR-WCDRR-III_en.pdf Progress report on WMO preparations for, and contributions to, the development of the post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction and the Third United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR-111), 14-18 March 2015, Sendai, Japan 2015-02-05-PR-6817-WDS-DPFS-ECMWF-Products-15_en.pdf ECMWF products and service for WMO Members 2015-02-10-PR-6819-OBS-OSD-AMDAR-TF-Contr-2015_en Contribution to the AMDAR Panel Trust Fund 2015-02-10-PR-6820-CLPA-AGM-NPR-15_en.pdf National Reports on Progress made in Agricultural Meteorology (2010-2014) for the Commission for Agricultural Meteorology (CAgM) 2015-02-10-PR-6821-OBS-WIS-DRMM-AvXML_en.pdf Call for experts to assist the Commission for Basic Systems develop data representation standards to support international civil aviation 2015-02-18-PR-6823-SG-CER-CPA-WMD15_en.pdf Celebration of World Meteorological Day 2015 2015-02-22-PR-6822-OBS-WIS-DMA-Climate-2011-2015_en.pdf WMO report on the status of the climate in 2011-2015 2015-02-26-PR-6825-ETR-CRS-215_en.pdf International Training Course on Numerical Weather Prediction, from 18-29 May 2015, Nanjing, China