_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Vous trouverez ici le nom de fichier du document envoyé par courriel ainsi que son titre. Pour y accéder, veuillez cliquer sur le lien correspondant dans le corps du courriel ou bien directement sur la plate-forme Web. Pour toutes questions, veuillez écrire à l'adresse wmo@wmo.int _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2013-08-02-PR-6706-SG-ASG-SPO-M&E Questionnaire on Impacts of Achieved Results on Members 2013-08-08-PR-6712-OBS-OSD-IMO-Quest-ObsoleteInstruments_en.pdf Survey on alternatives to dangerous and obsolete instruments used in National Meteorological and Hydrological Services 2013-08-14-PR-6711-OBS-WIS-DRMM-MO-AGM_en.pdf Internationally coordinated monitoring of the operation of the World Weather Watch (WWW) on a non-real-time basis 2013-08-15-PR-6713-ETR-CRS-1213_en.pdf International training course: "Regional Climate Prediction and Drought Monitoring", 15 to 25 October 2013, Beijing, China 2013-08-15-PR-6714-ETR-CRS-1113_en.pdf International Training Course on "Effective Media Communication" from 9 to 13 December 2013, Hong Kong, China 2013-08-16-WMO-1387-SG-POMI_en.pdf 2013-08-19-PR-6715-OBS-OSD-IMO-VAI-24&5_en.pdf Call for nominations for the Professor Dr. Vilho Väisälä Awards (2014) 2013-08-20-PR-6716-OBS-IMO-Intercomparison_en.pdf Requirements for improving the accuracy of rainfall intensity measurements 2013-08-21-PR-6717-CLPA-CCA-UNFCCC-COP19_en.pdf COP-19 and CMP-9 of the UNFCCC, Warsaw, Poland, 11-22 November 2013 2013-08-23-PR-6718-WDS-DRR-GAR-15_en.pdf Invitation for submission of abstracts for the Global Risk Assessment Report 2015 2013-08-23-WMO-1388-SG-CER-CAS-16_en.pdf 2013-08-27-WMO-1389-REM-FCD_en.pdf