_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Vous trouverez ici le nom de fichier du document envoyé par courriel ainsi que son titre. Pour y accéder, veuillez cliquer sur le lien correspondant dans le corps du courriel ou bien directement sur la plate-forme Web. Pour toutes questions, veuillez écrire à l'adresse wmo@wmo.int _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2013-07-02-WMO-1383-SG-ASG-SPO-WGC-3_en.pdf Invitation to sponsor the Third WMO Gender Conference "Gender Dimension of Weather and Climate Services: the Benefits of Working Together" 2013-07-08-PR-6703-ETR-CRS-713_en.pdf International Training Course on Use of Meteorological Instruments, from 12 to 25 September 2013, Nanjing, China 2013-07-08-PR-6704-ETR-CRS-813_en.pdf International Training Course on Tropical Cyclone Forecast, from 14 to 25 October 2013, Nanjing, China. 2013-07-08-PR-6705-ETR-CRS-913_en.pdf International Training Course on Agrometeorology, from 28 October to 8 November 2013, Nanjing, China 2013-07-11-PR-6708-RES-ARE- CAS16-TECO_en.pdf CAS Technical Conference on "Responding to the Environmental Stressors of the 21th Century" (Antalya, Turkey, 18-19 November 2013) 2013-07-18-PR-6710-OBS-OSD-MAR-SATCOMFORUM_en.pdf Ad hoc International Forum of Users of Satellite Data Telecommunication Systems (Satcom Forum), Paris, France, 3-4 October 2013 2013-07-19-PR-6707-SG-CER-65_ en.pdf Major outcomes of EC-65 2013-07-23-PR-6709-SG-ASG-SPO-M&E_en.pdf Implementation of the WMO Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) System 2013-07-30-WMO-1384-SG-CER-CIMO-16_en.pdf 2013-07-31-WMO-1385-SG-CER-IBCS-1_en.pdf Summary outcomes of IBCS-1 2013-07-31-WMO-1386-SG-CER-RAVI-16_en.pdf