2013-02-04-PR-6684-WDS-PWS-WMO-No-1099-PWS-26_1386 “Guidelines for Creating a Memorandum of understanding and a Standard Operating procedure between a National meteorological or Hydrometeorological Service and a Parter Agency” (WMO-No.1099, Pws-26) 2013-02-05-PR-6685-ETR-CRS-413 Advanced Workshop on "Climate Change and Agriculture", Shefaylm, Israel, 27 May-7 June 2013 2013-02-08-PR-6686-OBS-OSD-IMO-SPICE_en Third Call for Potential Participation in the WMO Solid Precipitation Intercomparison Experiment (SPICE) - Started in 2012 and scheduled to last until 2014 2013-02-12-PR-6687-OBS-OSD-AIR-RADARMETADATA_en Weather Radar Metadata Focal Points and Maintenance Procedures 2013-02-22-PR-6689-ETR-CRS-513_en.pdf International Training Seminar on Methods for Short-term Climate Prediction, from 1 to 10 April 2013, Nanjing and Beijing, China 2013-02-25-PR-6688-OBS-WIS-DRMM-DRC Amendments to the Manual of Codes