____________________________________________________ You find here the relevant filename reference of the document sent by E-mail together with its corresponding title. To access it, please click on the relevant link inside the Email or directly on the Web based platform. For any questions please contact wmo@wmo.int ____________________________________________________ 2014-05-01-PR-6766-WDS-DPFS-GDPFS-NWP-2013_en.pdf Annual WMO Technical Progress Report on the Global Data-processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS) and related Research Activities on Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) for 2013, and Public Weather Services (PWS) questionnaire 2014-05-02-PR-6767-DRA-RMDP-DRA-V-SIDS_en.pdf Guidance Note for the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs): Engaging with the preparations for the 3 rd International Conference on Small Island Developing States "Weather and Climate Services contribute to Sustainable Development" 2014-05-05-PR-6768-SG-CER-EC-66_en.pdf Sixty-sixth session of the Executive Council 2014-05-12-PR-6770-OBS-IMO-Testbeds-Lead-Centres_en.pdf Submission of proposals for the Establishment of Testbeds and Lead Centres, to be nominated by the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation (CIMO) 2014-05-23-PR-6772-ETR-CRS-1314_en.pdf International Training Workshop on Data Assimilation and Mesoscale Ensemble Forecasting, 1-5 December 2014, Hong Kong, China 2014-05-23-PR-6773-ETR-CRS-1114_en.pdf International Training Course on Weather Modification, Beijing, China, 18 to 29 August 2014 2014-05-26-PR-6771-CLPA-CAgM-Experts_en.pdf Nomination of experts to serve on Open Panels of CAgM Experts (OPCAMEs) IPCC - Copy Letter 5193-14-IPCC-TFI.pdf IPCC - Copy Letter 5190-14-IPCC-AR5.pdf IPCC - Copy Letter 5199-14-IPCC-AR5.pdf